ms Phobos

CNOOKS Lustrumdisk

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Rond 1950 ontstond het idee bij de vlootofficieren om na pensionering contact met elkaar te houden en dientengevolge werd de CNOOKS opgericht. Aanvankelijk konden alleen oud-gezagvoerders en oud-hoofdwerktuigkundigen lid worden. Enige decennia geleden werd het lidmaatschap voor al het ex Shell Tankers personeel en direct betrokkenen opengesteld.

Een beknopte geschiedenis van de Nederlandsch Indische Tankstoomboot Mij, de Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Mij, La Corona en Shell Tankers:

Voor de 2e wereldoorlog duurde een contract van de zeevarenden 3 jaar. Gemeten naar de omstandigheden van 2015 waren de omstandigheden aan boord zwaar. Contact met het thuisfront werd per brief onderhouden. De brieven deden er soms maanden over om de plaats van bestemming te bereiken. Op lange reizen in de jaren 20 van de vorige eeuw, als de staven ijs in de ijskast waren gesmolten, at men nog veelal "uit het zout". Airconditioning was er niet. De luchthappers, halve emmers in de patrijspoorten van de scheepshutten, brachten nauwelijks verkoeling in de tropen. Vergeleken met de rest van de Nederlandse koopvaardij waren de arbeidsvoorwaarden bij de "Koninklijke" uitstekend. Voor elk jaar dienst aan boord kreeg een officier 1 maand betaald verlof. Bij een aantal koopvaardijmaatschappijen sliepen de officieren nog op zeegraszakken maar bij de "Koninklijke" had men echte matrassen, beddespreien en op de tafel in de messroom lag damasten linnengoed met ingeweven schelp en at men met zilveren bestek. Men voer lange perioden met elkaar en menige vriendschap is toen ontstaan. In de 2e wereldoorlog waren de omstandigheden op zee en voor de families aan wal zeer zwaar en ontstonden onderling hechte banden, niet alleen onderling, maar ook met de Maatschappij.

De marine sector van de "Koninklijke" was op vele gebieden in de maritieme wereld toonaangevend en veel van haar voorschriften en richtlijnen zijn later uitgegroeid tot internationale wetgeving. Veel werkwijzen werden later industriestandaards.

Rond 1970 was het tijd voor een rigoureuze koerswijziging bij Shell Tankers. De bedrijfsvoering moest en zou, gedwongen door de wereldeconomie, drastisch worden veranderd. Het project met de Lange Adem werd gestart met als speerpunten:

  • De aan de gezagvoerders gegeven grotere "vrijheid in gebondenheid";
  • Vaste staf - vaste schepen;
  • Aan de gezagvoerder gedelegeerde budgetverantwoordelijkheid en besteding;
  • De geboorte van geïntegreerde officieren;
  • Vergrote aandacht voor veiligheid;
  • Een beter en efficiënter materiaalbeheer;
  • Een efficiëntere bedrijfsvoering;
  • De veranderde opstelling van het "Kantoor" t.o.v. de schepen: meer ondersteunend versus controlerend;
  • De introductie van de computer aan boord;
  • Het ontwerpen en invoeren van een computer onderhoudsadministratiesysteem;
  • Het invoeren van gestructureerd werkoverleg;
  • Het borgen van kwaliteit van alle werkzaamheden door het behalen van het ISO 9002 certificaat en de ISM accreditatie

Ongeveer 5 jaar na het starten van het Project met de Lange Adem bevond Shell Tankers zich in de wereldwijde voorste gelederen van scheepsmanagement, zeker op arbeidsvoorwaardelijk gebied.

In de 80er jaren van de vorige eeuw liepen de veiligheidscijfers bij Shell Tankers achter. Per decreet van de Committee of Managing Directors van Shell werd e.e.a. in de gehele Shell Groep aangepakt en binnen een jaar had STBV de laagste ongevalcijfers van de Nederlandse koopvaardij.

Op economisch gebied en maatschappelijke gronden nam de Groepsdirectie later de beslissing alle Shell vloten te integreren en vanuit het Londens kantoor te gaan managen en opereren. In 1996 hield Shell Tankers als reder op te bestaan en werk het personeel met grote ondersteuning van haar Raad van Commissarissen en de directie van Shell Nederland op "Koninklijke" voorwaarden afgevloeid.

Inhoud van de DVD: De 1e map laat een groot aantal schepen zien die onder de Shell vlag voeren - vanaf de 1880er jaren tot 1996 het tijdstip dat Shell tankers BV als zelfstandige Groepswerkmaatschappij ophield te bestaan. De foto's zijn gerangschikt op naam. Beknopt zijn per schip wat gegevens gegeven. De 2e map geeft een grote verscheidenheid aan gegevens omtrent de mensen, de maatschappij en schepen die onder allerlei vlaggen in een veelheid van Groepsmaatschappijen opereerden. Wij wensen u veel kijk- en leesplezier.

Namens het Bestuur:
GCH Dijkstra, voormalig secretaris CNOOKS, augustus 2015

1 Ship imagesShip images A.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images B.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images C.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images D.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images E.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images F.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images G.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images H.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images I & J.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images K.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images L.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images M.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images N.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images O.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images P.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images R.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images S.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images T.pdf
1 Ship imagesShip images U - Z.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 Brochures1971 Diverse Brochures.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 Brochures1971 Routeren.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 Brochures1971 Varen bij Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresBrochure Tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresCD Rock the Bridge.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresCadet_brochure.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresCarriere op zee - 1992.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresFolder Maritieme Officier.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresLNG Brochure 2001.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresPecten history.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresSBS 1989 International Oil Movements.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresSBS 1992 Tankers in de jaren 90.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresSIM Marine technology.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresSSP 1994 Double hulled tankers - answer.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresSetting the standard.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresShell Shipping - 2004.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresShell Shipping.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresShipping safety.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresShipping_in_shell 2.pdf
2 Other documents\1.1 BrochuresSupplement_LNG_History.pdf
2 Other documents\1.2 FleetlistsBritish Fleet.pdf
2 Other documents\1.2 FleetlistsH & K class newbuilding program.pdf
2 Other documents\1.2 FleetlistsShell vloooverzicht 80er jaren.pdf
2 Other documents\1.2 FleetlistsThe Allen Collection - Shell Tankers Index.pdf
2 Other documents\1.2 FleetlistsVlootlijst Anne N..xls
2 Other documents\1.2 FleetlistsVlootlijst Kees H.rtf
2 Other documents\1.2 FleetlistsVlootlijst Koos L.xls
2 Other documents\1.3 Ship particulars & yearlistsFleetlists 1899 - 2003.pdf
2 Other documents\1.3 Ship particulars & yearlistsShip Particuars A up-to-incl G.pdf
2 Other documents\1.3 Ship particulars & yearlistsShip Particuars H up-to-incl M.pdf
2 Other documents\1.3 Ship particulars & yearlistsShip Particuars N up-to-incl R.pdf
2 Other documents\1.3 Ship particulars & yearlistsShip Particuars S up-to-incl Z.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsB class - gas.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsDonau Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsE class.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Cardisssa-Caurica.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Ebalina.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Elona.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Fulgur-Fossarus-Fossarina.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Isocardia.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Lampas.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Lanistes.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Nacella.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Neverita.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Niso.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Oliva.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Onoba.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Sidelia.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Solaris- Spectrum-Stellata.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Solena.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Sponsalis-Sericata.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Zafra-Zaphon-Zaria-Zidona.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsFlt Book Zenatia.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsH class.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsL class oil.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsM class.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & FleetsS-class.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\Fleets1983 DSTG 25 Jahre.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsCoastal tankers Nw Zealand.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsEagle Oil - Wikipedia.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsEagle Oil and Shipping Co.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsEagle Oil.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsEagle oil - flags.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsMexican_Eagle_Petroleum_Company.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsNIT flag.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsSchiffe der Deutschen Shell AG.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsShell Argentina II.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsShell Argentina.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsShell Canada Ltd.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsShell Coastal Fleet UK.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsShell Mex.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsShell Ned Verkoop Binnenvloot.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsSoc Mar Shell Supertankers.pdf
2 Other documents\1.4 Fleet Books & Fleets\FleetsSoc Mar Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articles100jaar tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articles1968 Integratie van scheepsgezellenfuncties.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articles1981 Fleet downsize.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesAsprella.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBirth of Shell Tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBitumen tankers - Marine News.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBitumen tankers - Tar boats.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBlauwe Wimpel - Catwalk.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBlauwe Wimpel - Chama.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBlauwe Wimpel - Monitor.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBlauwe Wimpel - NIT.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBlauwe Wimpel - Rufina - last voyage.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBlauwe Wimpel - STBV exit.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesBlauwe Wimpel - Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesCardissa July 1995.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesDeutsche ST - 25 years.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesEagle Oil 1912 - 1919.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesF & E class.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesFlags.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesHistory Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesHofpleinkantoor.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesHolland Shipbuilding - Katelysia.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesHolland Shipbuilding - Plagiola.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesHolland Shipbuilding - Crania.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesHolland Shipbuilding - Sepia.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesHolland Shipbuilding - Shell Dolphin.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesHolland Shipbuilding - Vasum.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesJaap van Veen.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesK class - model.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesKapt Busker - Shell Ambassodor Feb 2013.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesKees Helder.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesLake tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesLarive.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesLekko - Sleepboten Ned Indie.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesLekko - Sleepboten various.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesMaatschappijkleuren.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesMozah - manoeuvring course.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesNDSM.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesNew tankers 1934 -1935.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesOmvlaggen.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesOther management 1977.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesOverlijden van Hr Blokland.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesPaintings.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesPhiline - lay up.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesProfessional Mariner.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesRiver Blackwater lay-up.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesSMS navigation.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesSTBV Post-it.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesSTBV exit.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesSailing ship tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesSchelpen & scheepsnamen.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesShell Tankers exit - Shell Venster.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesSouthampton & Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesStadsarchief Amsterdam (NDSM).pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesStandards in the oil tanker industry.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesToen en nu.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesTussen S & K - diversen.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesVan Veen.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesVarious - 90 jaar tankvaart.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesVarious - Hera.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesVarious - Marine News.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesVarious silhouettes.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesVerstekeling - K boot ong 1972.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesVlootsamenstelling & distinctieven 1960.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesVulcanus versus Seelandia.pdf
2 Other documents\1.5 Various publications - articlesWhy Shell Tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\1.6 General arrangementsGeneral arangements x.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\1890 Koninklijke 19501890 Koninklijke 1950.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Bakhuysen = ChamaBakhuysen - Nautical Magazine Oct 2005.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\C class - 80s newbuildingC class - luboilers - 80s newbuilding photos.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\C class - 80s newbuildingC class - luboilers - 80s newbuilding.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\De Geschiedenis van Shell 1998De geschiedenis van Shell -1998.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\De Geschiedenis van Shell 1998building-of-new-tan.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Diversen1949 Herinneringen Small Craft - K. Prins.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenAtlantic crossing 1985.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenCadet.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenCapulonix man overboord.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenDe Wekker 1951.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenGreen passport.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenISO 9002 Certificaat STBV.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenModels.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenSTBV slankt af.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenSchip & Werf - STBV 199.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenThe Tanker War _ U.S.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\DiversenVolkskrant 96.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Diversenshelltankertales.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Funels & flagsAnglo Saxon Petroleum Co FLAG.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Funels & flagsEagle Oil House Flag.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Funels & flagsFlag.jpg
2 Other documents\2 History\Funels & flagsFlags & funnels.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Funels & flagsShell Mex and BP Flags.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Geschiedenis KoninklijkeGeschiedenis Koninklijke.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell47 In rememberance.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell48 Apprentice.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell49 Clan line & Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell52 War and peace - Donax.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell53 Christmas at sea.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell54 Flaming funnels.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell56 Wives on wharves.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell58 Spoils of war.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell59 Sickness.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell60 Pass in the night.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell61 Hurricane.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell62 New York.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay Sivell63 Pyrula 1922.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Jay SivellChinese seamen _ Lost at sea.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Katelysia grounding Mukalla 1964Katelysia Mukalla 1964.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Khasiella - wrakKhasiella - wrak.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Kweekschool vd ZeevaartKweekschool vd Zeevaart.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mactra - explosionMactra explosie.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\MarpessaMarpessa.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteAdinda.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteAncylus.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteAnglo Saxon WW II.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteAppolonia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteCarib tanker ferries.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteCeronia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteHarpa & Pinnia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteHorn Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteManvantara & Merula.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteOhio.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteOndina.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteRosalia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSa Victoria.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSan Alberto.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSan Calisto.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSan Cirilo.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSan Delfino.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSan Demetrio.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSan Eliseo.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSan Florentino.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Mercantile Marine SiteSimnia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Metula grounding 1974Berging Metula.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Metula grounding 1974Metula grounding aug 74.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Metula grounding 1974Metula grounding current.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Metula grounding 1974Metula grounding.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Metula grounding 1974VLCC Metula oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\NieuwbouwBuilding-of-new-tankers 1926.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\NieuwbouwKryptos nieuwbouw 1955.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\NieuwbouwMetula nieuwbouw Japan 1968.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\NieuwbouwOnoba - nieuwbouw.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\NieuwbouwS class memorabilia Hyundai.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\NieuwbouwZafra (Zaria achtergrond) nieuwbouw 1959.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Ondina casualtyOndina - casualty.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Petroleum Handbook 1933Petroleum Handbook 1933.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Petroleum Handbook 1938Petroleum Handbook 1938.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Petroleum Handbook 1948Petroleum Handbook 1948.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Petroleum Handbook 1966Petroleum Handbook 1966.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Petroleum Handbook 1983Petroleum Handbook 1983.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Practische Scheepsbouw - 1933Practische Scheepsbouw 1933.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Presentatie Capt BuskerMetula grounding 1974 - presentation.pps
2 Other documents\2 History\Presentatie Capt BuskerVLCC presentation.ppsx
2 Other documents\2 History\Teesside shipbuildersTeesside shipbuilders.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\UniformenUniformen.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\VietnamAcmaea.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\VietnamAmastra - Vietnam.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\VietnamAmastra mined 1967.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\VietnamAmastra.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\VietnamVietnam 1970.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck siteLosses - various.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonAfrica Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonAnadara.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonArca.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonArinia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonAthelstane = Caprella.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonAuris.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonBatoum.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonBullmouth.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonBulmouth 1917.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonBulysses 1917.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonBulysses.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonCaprella 1925.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonCaprella.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonCapsa = Dashin Maru.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonCardita = Mitu Maru.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonCardita.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonChama.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonCirce Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonClea.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonConch 1903.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonConch 1916.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonConch.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonConus.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonCorbis.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonCrenatula = Marit.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonDarina.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonDiala.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonDonax.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonDonovania.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonDoryssa.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonDosinia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonEchunga.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonElax.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonEulima.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonGasper Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonGold Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonHarpa.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonHavre.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonHorn Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonLosses Anglo Saxon Pet Co.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonMaja.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonNeritopsis.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonNord.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonOtina.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonPatella 1921.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonPatella.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonPecten.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonPinna.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonPomella.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonPresident Sergent wreck.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonRadix = Linerton.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonScalaria.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonSimnia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonSitala.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonTelena 1917.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonTelena.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonThiara.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonTorinia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonTricula.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonTrocas.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo SaxonTurbo.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Anglo Saxonaoki maru.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Asiatic PetroleumPetriana 1903 Asiatic.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Asiatic PetroleumRomany 1918 Asiatic.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\CSMJustina.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\CSMLeticia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\CSMLucretia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\CSMOlivia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\CSMRosalia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilEmpire Norseman.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilLosses Eagle Oil.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSAn Urbano.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Alberto.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Alvaro.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Arcadio.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Calisto.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Casimiro.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Conrado.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Delfino.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Demetrio.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Dunstano.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Emiliano.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Ernesto.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Fabian.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Fernando.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Flaviano.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Florentino.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Fraterno.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Gerardo.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Hilario.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Onofre.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Tiburcio.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Victorio.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSan Wilfriedo.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\Eagle OilSanta Amalia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaAgnita.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaAnjo Maru = Angelina.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaAres.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaElusa.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaEulota.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaHosei Maru = Poseidon s.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaKikusui Maru = ex Iris.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaLosses La Corona.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaMagdala.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaMamura.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaManvantara.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaMarisa.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaMerula.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaOcana.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaOnoba.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaOscilla.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaOse_t.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\La CoronaRotula.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITAmbo.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITApollonia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITAugustina.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITHestia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITHosei Maru = Poseidon.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITKikusui Maru = ex Iris.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITKyoku Maru = ex Semiramis.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITLosses NIT & CSM.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITNansei Maru = Pleiodon.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITPetronella.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITPluto.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITSilvanus.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITSoegio.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\NITYuno Maru = Juno.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\SamuelAbelia 1915.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\SamuelArabis 1917.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\SamuelCaptured by japanese.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\SamuelSpondilus1912.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\Wreck site\SamuelTurbo 1908.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIAdinda.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIAdula.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIAn Encounter with a German Submarine.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIArendnet - STBV in WO II s.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIArinia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIAte Visser bleef niet drie jaar weg.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIAugustina 1942.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIBlauwe Wimpel - ST in oorlog.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIICardita 2.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIICaribbean Ferry.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIICasualties.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIChinese crews.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIConus = Hokki Maru s.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIICrenella = Marit.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIDEMS bewapening.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIDiloma.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIDolabella 2.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIDolabella.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIDoryssa.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIEagle Oil at war.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIEmpire ships - Anglo saxon S.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIGutenfels = Turitella.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIHestia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIIris.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIJames Stove.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIJuno met Kapitein Glijnis.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIJuno.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIILa Corona losses.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIILimicana.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIILong journey - Jack Burgess.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIILucellum 2.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIILucellum.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIILucrecia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIILucretia & Anbo.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIMAC - Macoma.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIMAC fleet.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIMAC schepen 1943.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIMac ships.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIINeritina 2.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIINeritina.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIOcean class - Shell design.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIOhio.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIOndergang Olivia.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIPatella versus Hilfskreuzer.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIPoseidon.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIISan Emiliano 2.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIISan Emilliano.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIScalaria.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIScharnhorst & Gneisenau.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIShelltankersoorlogstijd.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIStaking Antillen in WO II.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIStrombus.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIT2 tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIITurritella.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIVarious WWI.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIWW I - Anglo Saxon vsls.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIWar Envoy.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIWar Legate.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIZ Class WWI.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIlucrecia 2.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWIIsan boats.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIBengal & Hokoku Maru.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIOndina - Australian War Memorial.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIOndina - Hokuku Maru battle.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIOndina - Raider activites.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIOndina - Reuben Goossens.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIOndina - War time.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIThe war_time Ondina - Shell Ambassadeur Dec 2012.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIThe war_time_ondina - Voeks Nieuws.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIThe war_time_ondina (1).pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIThe war_time_ondina - Van Eeuwen.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIThe war_time_ondina - Willem Geluk.pdf
2 Other documents\2 History\WW I & WWII\Ondina WW IIThe war_time_ondina - paintings.pdf
2 Other documents\3 WebsitesCareers 2011.pdf
2 Other documents\3 WebsitesStasco Website - 2009.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenBegrafenis op zee.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenKoud buiten.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenOnze planner.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenStuurman bij de NIT.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenVerhalen van toen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenjager.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenkok.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenmacoma.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenveen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenvogels & douane.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenweemoed.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - CNOOKS - verhalenwithout.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesAmst Olietransport Mij.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesAmsterdam Mar Transport Mij.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesAsiatic Petr Comp.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesBPM.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesBrunai Shell Tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesCSM.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesComp Shell de Venezuela.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesDeutsche Shell Tanker.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesDortsche Petr Mij.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesKoninklijke.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesLNG Nothwest Shelf.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesMaraven Venezuelal.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesNV Nederl Nw Guinea Ptr Co.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesNV Petr Mij La Corona.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesNakilat & Qatar Gas.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesNed Nw Ginee Petr Mij.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesNederlands Indische Tankstoomvaart Mij.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesNorske Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesOriental Tankers.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesPacific Steam.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesQatar Gas.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesQatar Nakilat Shipping.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesRotterdamsche Lloyd.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Argentina.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Caribbean Petr Co.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Co Nw Zealand.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Co of Australia.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Co of Denmark.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Co of East Africa.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Co of Nigeria.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Co of Singapore.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Co of Trinidad.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Intl Trading & Shipping.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Malaysia.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Mex BP.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Portugesa.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell South Africa.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Tankers BV.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Tankers Canada.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Tankers UK Coastal Shipping.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Tankers UK.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShell Trading USA.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesShowa Shell Sempaku.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesSoc Mar Shell.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesSoc Shell de Madagascar.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesSoc Shell du Maroc.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesStoomvrt Mij Rotterdam.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesTankers Pacific Mgt Singapore.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesThai Ocean.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesUnion Lighterage London.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\1 Operating CompaniesVega Shipping.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview A s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview B s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview C s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview D s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview E s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview F s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview G s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview H s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview I s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview K s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview L s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview M s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview N s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview O s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview P s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview S s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview T s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview U s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview V s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview W s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\2 Overviews ships indexes A-ZOverview Z s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder A s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder B s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder C s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder D s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder E s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder F s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder G s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder H s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder I s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder J s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder K s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder L s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder M s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder N s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder O s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder P s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder R s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder S s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder T s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder U s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder V s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder W s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Helderline\3 Alphabetical ships dataHelder Z s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosC - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosF - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosInleiding 1890 - 1955.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosInleiding Shell vloot 1890 - 1955.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosK - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosL - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosM - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosN & D - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosNieuwbouw 1924 - 1940 (2).pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosNieuwbouw 1924 - 1940 (3).pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosNieuwbouw 1924 - 1940.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosNieuwbouw 1945 - 1953.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosNieuwbouw 1960's.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosNieuwbouw 1980's.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosS & O - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosS - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosShell vloot tijdens de WWII.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosT2 - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Koos LosV - schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenC class newbuilding 80s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenEen zeereis zonder haven.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenLepton s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenLoading at sea - Kopionella.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenMAC schepen.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenNaticina s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenNiso.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenPhilippia.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenShell Tankers - begin tot eind.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenStellaris s.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenSunetta aground 1993.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenSunetta.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenTagelus.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenTankvaart ontstaan.pdf
2 Other documents\3 Websites\Web - Zien en wetenViana.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsA various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsB 500 000 tons various.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsB various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsC various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsD various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsE various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsF various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsG various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsH various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsI&J various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsK various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsL various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsM various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsN various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsO various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsP various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsR various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsS varoius documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsT various documents.pdf
2 Other documents\4 Various documents - shipsU-Z various documents.pdf